Czech SRTI Dataset¶
- Ontology:
- Base url:
Czech SRTI Dataset contains current and historical Czech safety related traffic information (SRTI).
“Base url” is common prefix for IRIs of all published situation records. It is not necessarily an URL where can be something downloaded.
Source data (DATEX II)¶
Source data are provided as DATEX II SituationPublication v2.3 messages.
The data are provided by NDIC as data source
Conversion to RDF¶
Received data are immediately converted into RDF.
Only SituationRecord alements are converted and from those only the ones, which are classified as Safety Related Traffic Information.
Sample RDF representation in turtle format may look like this:
@prefix datex: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
a datex:Accident ;
datex:situationRecordVersion 1 ;
datex:situationRecordCreationTime "2017-07-21T10:47:04+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
datex:situationRecordVersionTime "2017-07-21T10:46:18+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
datex:hasValidity [
datex:overallStartTime "2017-07-21T10:45:00+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime
] ;
datex:impact [
a datex:Impact;
datex:capacityRemaining "0.8"^^<>;
datex:numberOfLanesRestricted "2"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger;
datex:numberOfOperationalLanes "8"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger;
datex:originalNumberOfLanes "10"^^xsd:int;
datex:hasTrafficConstrictionTypeEnum datex:roadBlocked
] ;
rdfs:comment "Event description"@en ;
datex:hasLocationReference [
a datex:AlertCMethod2Linear ;
datex:alertCLocationCountryCode "CZ" ;
datex:alertCLocationTableNumber "25" ;
datex:alertCLocationTableVersion "6.0" ;
datex:hasAlertCDirection [
a datex:AlertCDirection ;
datex:hasAlertCDirectionCoded datex:negativeDirection
] ;
datex:hasAlertCMethod2PrimaryPointLocation [
a datex:AlertCMethod2PrimaryPointLocation ;
datex:hasAlertCLocation [
datex:specificLocation "1337"^^datex:AlertCLocationCode
] ;
datex:hasAlertCMethod2SecondaryPointLocation [
a datex:AlertCMethod2SecondaryPointLocation ;
datex:hasAlertCLocation [
datex:specificLocation "4110"^^datex:AlertCLocationCode
] ;
datex:hasAccidentType datex:collision ;
datex:hasAccidentType datex:multipleVehicleAccident ;
datex:hasVehiclesInvolved [
datex:hasVehicleStatus datex:onFire
] ;
datex:hasVehiclesInvolved [
a datex:Vehicle ;
datex:hasVehicleStatus datex:abandoned
] .
Location Referencing¶
If source SituationRecord provides locaiton reference using ALERT-C, resulting RDF representation contains this location reference too.
Each SituationRecord contains point coordinate.
Linking to other data¶
Links to adminstrative region(s)¶
Each SituationRecord converted contains link to one or more administration regions in Czech Republic as defined in Czech Administration Units Gazetteer.
Links to roads¶
Where possible, SituationRecord links to roads as defined in Czech Roads Gazetteer.
Links are provided for all roads having ALERT-C location code what covers all major roads in Czechia.
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