Czech Administration Units Gazetteer¶
- Ontology:
- Base url:
Czech Administration Units Gazetteer contains hierarchy of adminstrative areas in Czechia.
“Base url” is common prefix for IRIs of all published administration units in Czechia. It is not necessarily an URL where can be something downloaded.
As can be seen in the following snippets, it deals with RUIAN code, ALERT-C code etc.
@prefix adu: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix ns1: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
<> a owl:Ontology .
<ěstskýObvod/500054> a adu:MěstskýObvod ;
rdfs:label "MěstskýObvod #500054" ;
adu:alertcCode "2.25.199" ;
adu:name "Praha 1" ;
adu:ruianCode "500054" ;
dcterms:title "Praha 1" ;
owl:sameAs <>,
<> ;
ns1:belongToMunicipality <> .
Linking to other data¶
There are links to:
RÚIAN which is registry of regions, addresses and real estate properties at <>
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