Project LOD-RoadTran18¶
The service publishing Czech SRTI as LOD has been created as part of a project called LOD-RoadTran18.
The LOD-RoadTran18 has focused on providing existing DATEX II SRTI data sources for Czechia and Spain in form of Linked Open Data.
Project reference information¶
Programme: CEF Telecom (call 2018)
Official website:
INEA Action website:
Duration: 2019-09 .. 2022-09
Agreement number: INEA/CEF/ICT/A2018/1803421
Action number: 2018-EU-IA-0088
Coordinator: RTIC (Universitat de València)
RTIC (Universitat de València)
Leading Management Technology S.L.
Jefatura Central de Tráfico. Ministerio de Interior
Desidedatum Data Company S.L.
Estudios de Software Avanzado y Mantenimiento de Tecnología, S.L.
Universitat Politècnica de València.
TamTam Research s.r.o.
České Vysoké Učení Technické v Praze
Selected deliverables¶
This section lists the deliverables which we consider the most important to end users.
SRTI ontology¶
This ontology defines LOD representation of content of DATEX II Situation Publication with regards to Safety Related Traffic Information (SRTI)
The ontology is available at:
Czech access point¶
Czech access point provides SRTI content created by converting Czech DATEX II Situation Publication as received from National Traffic Information Centre.
SPARQL endpoint:
Snapshot of currently valid SRTI:
data source registered at Czech and EU data portals:
on Czech data portal <> as data source (Czech) Safety-related road traffic information
on Europen data portal <> as data source (Czech) Safety-related road traffic information
Spanish access point¶
data source registered at Spanish and EU data portals:
on Spanish data portal <> as data source (Spanish) Pilot dataset of Traffic Incidents (SRTI) in LOD DATEX II format
on European data portal <> as data source (Spanish) Pilot dataset of Traffic Incidents (SRTI) in LOD DATEX II format
The Action’s objective is to support the re-use of Road Traffic Data in and across the Czech Republic and Spain, making this data accessible, searchable, interoperable, and reusable via the European Data portal, and enabling it to be connected to data from other sectors by using Linked Open Data (LOD).
Specifically, the Action will:
Use the LOD DATEX II model as a complement to DATEX II XML, in order to facilitate accessibility to European traffic data and services.
Create a specific common metadata model and validation tools to represent this type of information and making it accessible through NAPs to increase interoperability by homogenising the descriptors of data catalogues.
Develop a LOD enhanced Traffic Information System with semantic capabilities, which includes the use of LOD DATEX II and a common metadata model which would allow the incorporation of new publishers, datasets, data description and discovery services.
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